Teruya Electric Co., Ltd.

On April 2007, 4, we acquired "ISO25" certification for all our business sites.

Environmental Philosophy

Teruya Electric Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") recognizes that the protection of the global environment is one of the most important issues common to all humankind, and as a company that plays a part in social responsibility, the important earth through all corporate activities. All employees will make efforts to protect the environment and reduce the environmental load, aiming to become an environmentally friendly general trading company.

Environmental Policy

As a general trading company of electrical equipment, information and communication materials and control equipment, we are building and promoting environmental management activities based on the following policy in order to reduce all business activities related to product sales and the environmental impact of these products. We aim for environmental harmony.

  1. 1.We are always aware of the environmental impact of product sales activities or services, and we set and strictly adhere to our voluntary standards, aiming to improve environmental protection and prevent pollution, and strive to continuously improve our environmental management activities.
  2. 2.We will comply with environment-related laws and regulations related to the environmental aspects of product sales activities or services, and other requirements that we have agreed to.
  3. 3.We will set the following items as environmental objectives and targets among the environmental impacts related to product sales activities or services.
    • -We will endeavor to eliminate waste in order to save resources and reduce waste in our corporate activities and reduce the environmental impact of our products.
    • -We will promote the sale of environment-friendly products and strive to protect the environment.
    • -We will endeavor to make effective use of resources and use energy efficiently and effectively as far as we can carry out our corporate activities.
  4. 4.We provide environmental education to all employees, part-time workers, etc. who work for our company, so that each person involved in product sales activities or services can actively practice environmental load reduction activities. We will thoroughly disseminate information through in-house groupware and in-house public relations activities, and review this management review in a timely manner to ensure proper operation.
  5. 5.We will disclose our environmental efforts to the general public through appropriate opportunities such as our website.

Revision date January 2020, 1
President and CEO Kazuhiro Egawa